Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ Page



門店自取時間: 11AM - 7PM

本店產品由公司專車及專人派送到客戶指定地點收貨人手上,除偏遠地區免費送貨。本公司免費送貨設有 A / B 時段以供選擇,車隊會按客戶所選時段編排行程沿途派送。
送貨時段 : A (0900-1300) B (1300-1800) 


已預訂酒店客房或餐廳作為送貨地點的客戶,可向我們提供預訂信息,我們將根據客戶的預訂直接送貨至禮賓部,送貨後亦會拍照回傳予客戶確認。 欲親自取貨的客戶,可聯絡我們的工作人員作出安排。


0931-1730 內指定時間 $150
1731-2000 內指定時間 $200
2001-2200 內指定時間 $300
2201-0000 內指定時間 $400
0001-0200 內指定時間 $500
0201-0601 內指定時候 $600
0601-0700 內指定時候 $400
0701-0930 內指定時間 $200

如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)
Customers can choose to pick-up at our shop or use our delivery service.
Shop pick-up time: 11AM - 7PM
As a professional florist, all of our products are delivered to the customer’s designated locations in person by vehicles to ensure that the products can reach the receivers safely. Photos will be taken upon the arrival and will be sent back to the purchaser to confirm and complete the orders.
Free Delivery Time Slot : 
A (0900-1300) B (1300-1800) 
We also offer specific time delivery services with an additional fee as below:
【Specific Time Delivery】
Between 0931-1730  $150 
Between 1731-2000  $200 
Between 2001-2200  $300 
Between 2201-0000  $400 
Between 0001-0200  $500
Between 0201-0601  $600
Between 0601-0700  $400
Between 0701-0930  $200
For customers who have booked a hotel room or restaurant as the delivery location, please provide us with the reservation details and we will deliver directly to the concierge under the customer’s reservation. Photos upon delivery will be sent back to the customers as confirmation.
For customers who wish to pick up the products in person, please contact our staff to make arrangement.
Fresh flower product : No charge for ONE DAY postpone with notification made at more than 72 hrs in advance.  
                                           If postpone more than ONE DAY, 50% of the product price will be charged.
Non-fresh flower products : For notification made less than 12 hours, a charge of $150 will be charge.

鮮花產品:72小時前免費更改,72小時內以延遲一天為限。如需更改多於一天,將收取該鮮花產品 50% 花材費用)
非鮮花產品:少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里內 - 免費
少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里外 - HK$150

Rearrangement of the delivery DATE
Fresh flower product : No charge for ONE DAY postpone with notification made at least 72 hrs in advance.      
If postpone for more than ONE DAY, 50% of the product price will be charged.
Non-fresh flower products : For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

Rearrangement of the delivery TIME
For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

Rearrangement of the delivery PLACE
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is not more than 10km from the original location : Free
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is more than 10km from the original location: a fee of HK$150 will be charged.

本公司提供 2 個交貨時段:[A] 0900-1300 和 [B] 1300-1800 供客戶選擇。


如需特別安排於「指定時間」(如下午3點/ 1-2點),於 0930-1730 期間指定派送時間需收取港幣150元派送費。 


* 如果客戶希望避免在特定時間交貨,例如午餐時間或下班時間,請通知我們進行相關安排。




我們的配送團隊會根據當天的訂單規劃配送路線。交貨時間段的選項將不可用,所有訂單將安排在上午 8 點至下午 6 點之間交貨。


附言根據我們以往的經驗,為了更高效,我們會根據不同地區將訂單分成16-20條送貨路線,都有自己的車輛和送貨人員。一般情況下,所有訂單都會在下午 6 點前送抵。


Our Company offers 2 delivery time slots: [A] 0900-1300 and [B] 1300-1800 for customers to choose from.

An additional delivery charge of HK$150 is required for specific delivery time within 0900-1800.  (such as 3PM / 1-2PM).

* If customers wish to avoid delivery during a certain time, such as lunch time or off-work time, please notify us to make relative arrangements.

Special days: Valentine's Day (13/2, 14/2), Mother's Day, 520, Christmas (24/12, 25/12)

Our delivery team will plan the delivery routes according to the orders of that day. Options for the delivery time slot will not be available and all orders will be arranged to be delivered within 8am-6pm.

P.S. According to our past experiences, in order to be more efficient, we will separate the orders into 16-20 delivery routes based on different regions, all with its own vehicle and delivery staff. Under normal circumstances, all orders will be delivered before 3-4 pm.



如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)
Fresh flower product : No charge for ONE DAY postpone with notification made at more than 72 hrs in advance.  
                                           If postpone more than ONE DAY, 50% of the product price will be charged.
Non-fresh flower products : For notification made less than 12 hours, a charge of $150 will be charge.


BLOSSOM22° 是持有正規香港商業登記經營公司,線上提供 24 小時自動報價下單系統,線下實體門店位於沙田區內,並設有自家運輸車隊人員,主力為香港客戶提供一系列花藝產品配送服務。

BLOSSOM22° is a business company registered under the Hong Kong Business Ordinance. Customers can conveniently access to our 24-hours automatic quotation and ordering online system. Our physical store is located in the Shatin area with the possession of our in-house delivery team. Our main services are to provide a series of flower related products for sales and delivery within Hong Kong.




我司提供24小時在線訂購系統,客戶可以在我們的網站上輕鬆完成整個購買流程和支付交易。 下單後,系統會通過短信發送訂單成功通知。 我們的工作人員也會在一小時內通過Whatsapp或電子郵件與購買者聯繫以確認訂單。




本公司接受VISA / MASTER / AE / FPS 或銀行存款。

【Order on Website】

Our Company provides a 24-hour online ordering system, customers can easily complete the entire purchase process and payment transaction on our website. Once the order is placed, the system will send out notifications of the successful order by SMS. Our staff will also contact the purchasers via Whatsapp or email within one hour to confirm the order.

【Order by Whatsapp】
Customers can also place orders with our staff directly through Whatsapp.  

【Payment methods】

Our Company accepts VISA / MASTER / AE / FPS or bank deposit.

客戶可以根據主花的選擇來訂購定制產品。 襯花將由我公司確定。 客戶可以建議喜歡的色調,我們會根據需要的色調進行調整。


Customers can order customized products mainly based on the selection of the main flowers only. The lining flower will be determined by our Company. Customers can suggest the preferred color tone and we will make adjustments according to the desired color tone.

Some of the flower materials or lining flowers may be unavailable due to seasonal changes, our Company will substitute them with similar flower materials without prior notice.

[鮮花花束] 鮮花產品保持健康取決於鮮花存放的環境條件。一般情況下,在通風良好的常溫下存放,鮮花可保持最佳狀態 2-3 天。溫差大、悶熱、缺水、陽光直射或空氣流通不暢等都會加速鮮切花的枯萎。另一方面,每天更換新鮮的水,避免高濕度,保持良好的通風,可以延長鮮切花的壽命。




[Fresh Flower Bouquets] Keeping fresh flower products healthy depends on the condition of the environment where the flowers are stored. In general, storing at room temperature with good air ventilation, flowers can be maintained at the best condition for 2-3 days. Great differences in temperature, stifling, warmth, lack of water, direct sunlight or poor circulation of air, etc. accelerate the withering of fresh cut flowers. On the other hand, daily replacement of fresh water, avoiding high humidity and keeping good ventilation can extend the life of fresh cut flowers.

【Preserved Flowers】Under normal indoor conditions without exposure to moisture, preserved flowers can be kept for 1-2 years. If stored properly, the products can be kept for a longer period of time under dry conditions.

【Rose Bear】 is made of PU (sponge-like) / silk flowers and can be kept for a long time.

*The floral products are hand-made, If there is any problem with the products, please notify us to handle within 24 hours after receipt.

本公司於 FB 或 IG 發放有過萬張【送抵客戶時拍攝之真實相片】,以供查閱。
All fresh flower products are to be made with customer's purchase and the finished products will be ready according to the delivery date. Therefore, our store does not have any ready-made flower bouquets or samples for on-site selection. Alternatively, customers can refer to our FB or IG for a large amount of real product photos which are taken upon deliveries to our customers.


 All bouquets are ready the night before delivery and we load all the products to the our company van and start delivering in the morning. Therefore, it makes no difference what time to deliver and the delivery time does not affect the quality of the flowers.