下單及付款 Order and Payment

如何下單 How to place an order?

【官網下單】我們提供24小時在線訂購系統,客戶可官網直接輕鬆完成整個購買流程和支付交易。 下單後,系統會通過電郵發送訂單通知。我們的工作人員亦會通過 Whatsapp 聯繫以確認訂單。



【Order on Website】Our Company provides a 24-hour online ordering system, customers can easily complete the entire purchase process and payment transaction on our website. Once the order is placed, the system will send out notifications of the successful order by SMS. Our staff will also contact the purchasers via Whatsapp or email within one hour to confirm the order.

【Order by Whatsapp】Customers can also place orders with our staff directly through Whatsapp.  

付款方式 Payment method

本公司接受 VISA | MASTER | AE | 銀聯|FPS|Payme 或銀行存款支付。



Our Company accepts VISA |MASTER| AE| Union Pay | FPS | Paymeor bank deposit.

All products order are confirmed with full payment so that our company can prepare for your order.



需預留多少時間下單 How long do I need to reserve to place an order

一般大型花束如 99 枝玫瑰,需要【預貨】及進行【開養】過程,故我們都建議客人【不少於一星期前預訂準備】為理想時間。




花束的製作,只要有足夠花材,一般 1 至 2 小時即可扎作完成。所以【最遲下單】可以是【即日當天】。然而問題不在於製作時間,而是庫存或市場上有沒有所需足夠的花材。



*大型 99 玫瑰花束,並不一定能即日於市場湊足同色同品種數量

In general, large bouquets like 99 roses, it is required to Preorder and undergo a blossoming process, hence, we advise customers to order at least 7 days in advance.

*Imported flowers arrive Hong Kong by flight once a week, please order at least 7 days in advance. For orders place less than 7 days, the flowers will be ordered from different retailers in Hong Kong, therefore, the flowers types and colours used for the same large bouquet may have some differences.

Reference for non-frequent bouquet buyers:

Some customers alwys inquire about 【the latest day to order】. Please note that fresh flower products require sufficient time for material ordering and preparation, if lesser time is given, the costs for the product will be relatively higher and the availabities will be uncertain, especially for special flowers.

In fact, we just need 1-2 hours to finish preparing a bouquet, therefore 【the latest day to order】 can be on the same day, depending on the availability of the flower materials. 

For urgent orders, the flower materials are required to get from the retailer or other flower shops in the market, therefore, the costs are higher than that if we get from our distributors. Hence, the prices will be higher than the preorder prices.  

We have launched different early bird offers according to the number of days customers order in advance. If customers have confirmed the date which they need to have the bouquets, our advice is to order as early as possible to make sure the flowers are at the best state, despite the early bird offer for the best price is set to order 3 days in advance.


即日加急訂單 Same Day Urgent Order


  • 下單需以付款確認作實
  • 視乎不同產品,製作時間約需 1-3小時不等
  • 送貨時間將視乎【送貨地點】 及 【產品製作時間】 直接與客人溝通確認
  • 送貨地點費用可參考【送貨地區】


  • HK$200 (2PM前付款下單確認 或需 6 小時內即送)
  • HK$300 (3PM前付款下單確認 或需 5 小時內即送)
  • HK$400 (4PM前付款下單確認 或需 4 小時內即送)
  • HK$500 (5PM前付款下單確認 或需 3 小時內即送)
  • HK$600 (6PM後付款下單確認 或需 2 小時內即送)


🔆 0931~1730 內指定時間 $150  

🌙 1731~2000 內指定時間 $200 
🌙 2001~2200 內指定時間 $300 
🌙 2201~0000 內指定時間 $400 
🌙 0001~0200 內指定時間 $500
🌙 0201~0600 內指定時候 $600
🔆 0601~0700 內指定時候 $400
🔆 0701~0930 內指定時間 $200

For urgent orders, please contact us to inquire the availability before placing orders.

  • Full payment is required to confirm the order
  • Depending the complexity, the production time requires 1-3 hours
  • Deliver time depends on our on day schedule, please contact us to confirm
  • Delivery fee please refer to【Delivery areas】

【Same day order urgent charges】

  • HK$200 (Order paid before 2PM or need to delivery within 6 hours)
  • HK$300 (Order paid after 3PM or need to delivery within 5 hours)
  • HK$400 (Order paid before 4PM or need to delivery within 4 hours)
  • HK$500 (Order paid before 5PM or need to delivery within 3 hours)
  • HK$600 (Order paid after 6PM or need to delivery within 2 hours)

【Specific Time Delivery】

《Specific Time delivery within business hours》
🔆 specific time within 0931~1730  $150  

《Specific Time delivery outside business hours》
🌙 specific time within 1731~2000  $200 
🌙 specific time within 2001~2200  $300 
🌙 specific time within 2201~0000  $400 
🌙 specific time within 0001~0200  $500
🌙 specific time within 0201~0600  $600
🔆 specific time within 0601~0700  $400
🔆 specific time within 0701~0930  $200


訂單內容更改或取消 Revise or Cancel order

  • 所有產品一經訂購及付款作實後,其交易不能取消或退款。
  • 訂單產品內容如有修改,修改後訂單不得低於原單總值,如有差額將不作退還或作保留使用。
  • For all products, once the order is confirmed with payment, the transaction cannot be cancelled or refunded.
  • If an alteration on the order has to be made, the total amount of the amended order cannot be lower than that of the original order, any amount difference will not be refunded and cannot be reserved for future purchase.

更改送貨日期地點 Rearrangement of the delivery

鮮花產品:72小時前免費更改,72小時內以延遲一天為限。如需更改多於一天,將收取該鮮花產品 50% 花材費用)
非鮮花產品:少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

*如需更改送貨日期而未有確定日期,訂單可保留 3 個月內使用,逾期作廢。

少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里內 - 免費
少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里外 - HK$150

Rearrangement of the delivery DATE
Fresh flower product : No charge for ONE DAY postpone with notification made at least 72 hrs in advance.      
If postpone for more than ONE DAY, 50% of the product price will be charged.
Non-fresh flower products : For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

*If the price of the product on the rescheduled date is lower than the original purchase price, the difference will not be refunded; if the price is higher, customer will need to make up the difference.

*If customer needs to change the delivery date but cannot confirm the new date at the moment, the order can be held for 3 months after which the order will be abandoned and no refund will be made.

Rearrangement of the delivery TIME
For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

Rearrangement of the delivery PLACE
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is not more than 10km from the original location : Free
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is more than 10km from the original location: a fee of HK$150 will be charged.

送貨自取交收 Delivery or Pick up

送貨重要需知 Delivery Important Notice


  • 【收貨人】與【收花人】有別,司機只按客戶填報之【收貨人】派送。如客戶需親自收取可填報【收貨人】為閣下本人,如代收可填報【代收人】聯絡資料即可。
  • 【送花服務】與【速遞服務】不同,【送花服務】因屬驚喜,一般不會預先通知【收貨人】而直接登門派送,如需預先知會可通知本公司向司機作備註。

  • 如【訂貨人】提供之地址無法成功派送或代收轉達,司機【必然】按客戶提供之【收貨人】電話(如有)直接聯繫【收貨人】處理收貨事宜。*【訂貨人】如留有【收貨人】聯絡號碼,司機並不會假設【非作聯繫之用】。如仍然未能聯繫【收貨人】,司機下一步將聯繫【訂貨人】及公司以作進一步處理。

  • 本公司並不會事前知悉客戶任何神秘或驚喜之特別安排,如【訂貨人】有特別要求或安排須作配合,客戶須【主動】向本公司事前提出溝通。

送貨地區 Delivery Area

  • 送貨地點須為可供車輛行駛到達|Delivery location must be accessible by vehicles
  • 停車點步行 100米 範圍內|Within a 100m walk from the parking spot
  • 樓梯上下 3 層為限,往後每層以$20計費|Up and down stairs are limited to 3 floors, extra $20 per floor  

【九龍區 Kowloon - 免費 Free】

鯉魚門 Lei Yue Mun|秀茂坪 Sau Mau Ping|觀塘 Kwan Tong|牛頭角 Ngau Tau Kok|藍田 Lam Tin|油塘 Yau Tong|九龍灣 Kowloon Bay|啟德 Kai Tak|鑽石山 Diamond Hill|彩虹 Choi Hung|黃大仙 Wong Tai Sin|樂富 Lok Fu|飛鵝山 Fei Ngo Shan| 新蒲崗 San Po Kong|大角咀 Tai Kok Tsui|九龍城 Kowloon City|慈雲山 Tsz Wan Shan|九龍塘 Kowloon Tong|石硤尾 Shek Kip Mei|旺角 Mong Kok|太子 Prince Edward|油麻地 Yau Ma Tei|佐敦 Jordon|深水埗 Sham Shui Po|荔枝角 Lai Chi Kok|美孚 Mei Foo|黃埔 Whampoa|土瓜灣 To Kwa Wan|何文田 Ho Man Tin|荔景 Lai King|飛鵝山 Fei Ngo Shan


【香港島主要地區 Hong Kong Island Main Areas - 免費 Free】  (小西灣 Siu Sau Wan-堅尼地城 Kennedy Town)

堅尼地城 Kennedy Town|西營盤 Sai Ying Pun|大坑 Tai Hang|西環 Sai Wan|上環 Sheung Wan|中環 Central|金鐘 Admiralty|灣仔 Wan Chai|銅鑼灣 Causeway|跑馬地 Happy Valley|中半山 Mid-level|鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay|北角 North Point |炮台山 Fortress Hill|天后 Tin Hau|太古城 Taikoo Shing|西灣河 Sai Wan Ho|筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan|柴灣  Chai Wan|小西灣 Siu Sau Wan

【香港島偏遠地區 Hong Kong Island Remote Areas- HK$80】

摩星嶺 Mount Davis|薄扶林 Pok Fu Lam(士美菲路以南 Cut off at Smithfield towards South )|黃竹坑 Wong Chuk Hang|Cyberport 數碼港|田灣 Tin Wa|鴨脷洲 Ap Lei Chau|香港仔 Aberdeen|淺水灣 Repulse Bay|壽臣山 Shouson Hill|半山 Mid-Level|大潭 Tai Tam|石澳 Shek O|赤柱 Stanley

【香港島特殊地區 Hong Kong Island Special Areas- HK$120】

山頂 Peak (馬己仙峽道17號 或 司徒拔道53號以上均列入山頂範圍  |from 17 Magazine Gap Road or 53 Stubbs Road upwards)


【新界主要地區 New Territories Main Areas - 免費 Free】
(新界東面以青龍頭為限 Cut off at Tsing Lung Tau towards East|北面以太和為限 Cut off at Tai Wo towards North)

將軍澳 Tseung Kwan O|火炭 Fo Tan|大圍 Tai Wai|沙田 Shatin(觀音山除外 Except Kwun Yam Shan)|馬鞍山 Ma On Shan|石門 Shek Mun|深井 Sham Tseng|汀九 Ting Kau|荃灣 Tusen Wan|葵涌 Kwai Chung|青衣 Tsing Yi|葵興 Kwai Hing|葵芳 Kwai Fong|太和 Tai Wo|大埔墟 Tai Po Market

【新界偏遠地區 New Territories Remote Areas - HK$80】

黃金海岸 Gold Coast|小欖 Siu Lam|大欖 Tai Lam|屯門 Tuen Mun|元朗 Yuen Long|錦綉花園 Fairview Park|天水圍 Tin Shui Wai|屏山 Pin Shan|藍地 Lam Tei|洪水橋 Hung Shui Kiu|八鄉 Pat Heung|汀角路 Ting Kok Road|荔枝山 Lai Chi Shan|上水 Sheung Shui |新田 San Tin|古洞路沿線 Kwu Tung Road|粉嶺 Fanling|皇后山 Queen's Hill|康樂園 Hong Lok Yuen|林村 Lam Tsuen|觀音山 Kwun Yam Shan|西貢 Sai Kung|清水灣 Clear Way Bay|馬灣 Ma Wan

【新界特殊地區 New Territories Remote Areas - HK$120】(皇后山|梧桐河以北 Cut off at Queen's Hill|Ng Tung Rive)

落馬洲 Lok Ma Chau|軍地 Kwan Tei|坪輋 Ping Che|打鼓嶺 Ta Kwu Ling |鹿頸 Luk Keng|白泥 Pak Nai|流浮山 Lau Fau Shan|米埔 Mai Po|龍鼓灘 Lung Kwu Tan|沙頭角 Sha Tau Kok|河上鄉 Ho Sheung Heung|古洞 (非古洞路沿線 Out of Kwu Tung Road)


【東涌Tung Chung及北大嶼山 North Lantau Island 】

  • 迪士尼酒店區 Disneyland Resorts - HK$150
  • 迪士尼樂園區【禮賓部】Disneyland Guest Service - HK$300
  • 機場 Airport - $200
  • 東涌市中心 Tung Chung Town Centre - $200
  • 愉景灣 Discovery Bay - HK$350
  • 南大嶼山 Lantau|南丫島Lamma Island|長州 Cheung Chau|坪洲 Peng Chau - $600

送貨時間 Delivery Time Slot


本公司設有 A《0900~1300》| B《1300~1800》 免費送貨時段以供選擇,會按當天所有客戶所選時段及地點,編制行程路線,沿途順路派送。產品安全送抵後,會拍照回傳予訂貨人以確認完成。 

* 客戶如有特別安排(如午飯時間),需「主動」與我們通報,以作相應溝通處理。


【 24小時指定時間送貨】

🔆 0931~1730 內指定時間 $150  

🌙 1731~2000 內指定時間 $200 
🌙 2001~2200 內指定時間 $300 
🌙 2201~0000 內指定時間 $400 
🌙 0001~0200 內指定時間 $500
🌙 0201~0600 內指定時候 $600
🔆 0601~0700 內指定時候 $400
🔆 0701~0930 內指定時間 $200

【Free Delivery Time Slot : 
A (0900-1300) B (1300-1800) 
【Specific Time Delivery】
We also offer specific time delivery services with an additional fee as below:
Between 0931-1730  $150 
Between 1731-2000  $200 
Between 2001-2200  $300 
Between 2201-0000  $400 
Between 0001-0200  $500
Between 0201-0601  $600
Between 0601-0700  $400
Between 0701-0930  $200


自取交收 Pick up at spot

【指定交收點 - 九龍塘港鐵站 F 地面出口】

交收時間 10am-6pm



客戶如需於指定其他地點交收,本公司提供免費送貨時段 (A) 0900-1300/ (B) 1300-1800 派送至閣下指定地點,客戶需留意保持在線以便司機聯繫。



*《常規營運時段 0930-1730》 $150

🌙 1731~2000 內指定時間 $200 
🌙 2001~2200 內指定時間 $300 
🌙 2201~0000 內指定時間 $400 
🌙 0001~0200 內指定時間 $500
🌙 0201~0600 內指定時候 $600
🔆 0601~0700 內指定時候 $400
🔆 0701~0930 內指定時間 $200





-臨時更改地點:費用 HK$150起(視乎地區而定)

-臨時更改時間:費用 HK$150起(視乎時間而定)


*司機到達指定地方,等候時間以 15 分鐘為限,逾時等候每15分鐘@$50



如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)


【Spot Pick up】
If customers require to collect the product at a specific spot, we suggest to choose specific time delivery to facilitate the arrangement.

If customers prefer to choose the【Free delivery time-slot】, the pick up time will be arranged according to the delivery route the evening before delivery.
If customers require to change the spot or time for the pick up, please contact our Company directly.  

Charge for on-day changes:
-change of spot:$150 up (depending on the district)
-change of time: $150 up (depending on the rescheduled time)

*upon the arrival of our driver at the given address, the waiting time is limited to 15 min, the charge for waiting time beyond this is $50/ 15 min.
*if the delivery is unsuccessful and the orderer cannot be reached, the product will be sent back to our shop for further instructions. 
*If our driver has already left the delivery address, request to re-deliver will be charged at $150 up (depending on the district and rescheduled time, delivery for fresh flower products can only be postponed to 1 day after at maximum).

酒店送貨 Hotel Delivery


*為免打擾閣下流程安排,送抵後本公司會以 Whatsapp 通知訂貨人,以便自行安排,過程不會驚動【訂房人】。


① 一直暫存禮賓部自行處理
② 安排禮賓部於指定時間送上房間
③ 房內用餐,花束可跟餐車送上


《Hotel Customers》do not need to worry about the Check in and delivery time, our company will prepare Delivery Notes to contact with the hotel concierge directly. Customers only need to provide the "exact name" used for room reservation, the flowers will be delivered to and kept at the concierge under the name for room reservation.

Customers can then make arrangements with the hotel according to the plans:

1. Collect at the concierge by providing the name for room reservation
2. Send to room at a specific time
3. In-room dining, send to room together with the room dining cart

餐廳送貨 Restaurant Delivery



① 先電話聯繫收貨人(如有提供)
② 聯繫請示訂貨人,如安排管理處代收或置放門外,拍照確認
③ 如一律聯繫不成功,亦未有人代收處理,產品將送回公司待領

*司機到達指定地方,等候時間以 15 分鐘為限,逾時等候每15分鐘@$50
*如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)
例子:客戶選擇 9AM - 1PM 派送時段,餐廳營業時間為 12PM 開始,即視為【指定時間】12PM - 1PM 派送。


Please provide the detailed address, name of restaurant and reservation details. Please also pay attention to its opening hours to ensure the reception is available to collect the bouquet for you.

In case if the given address is incorrect, no one is present or the recipient refuses to collect the product, our company will carry out the following procedures in order:
① contact the recipient (if contact number is provided)
② contact the orderer for alternate arrangement, eg. leave it at the reception or at the door, photos will be sent as confirmation. 
③ if both the recipient and the orderer cannot be reached, and no one agrees to collect the product on behalf, the product will be sent back to our shop for pick up. 

*upon the arrival of our driver at the given address, the waiting time is limited to 15 min, the charge for waiting time beyond this is $50/ 15 min.
*if the delivery is unsuccessful and the orderer cannot be reached, the product will be sent back to our shop for further instructions. 
*If our driver has already left the delivery address, request to re-deliver will be charged at $150 up (depending on the district and rescheduled time, delivery for fresh flower products can only be postponed to 1 day after at maximum)
*If the customer selects [Delivery Time], it is not during the business hours of restaurants/bars, etc., or the delivery is limited to certain hours, please use the [Specified Time] service.
Example: If the customer selects a delivery period of 9AM - 1PM, and the restaurant's business hours start at 12PM, it is deemed to be a [specified time] of 12PM - 1PM delivery.

住宅送貨 Residential Delivery


① 先電話聯繫收貨人(如有提供)
② 聯繫請示訂貨人,如安排管理處代收或置放門外,拍照確認
③ 如一律聯繫不成功,亦未有人代收處理,產品將送回公司待領

*司機到達指定地方,等候時間以 15 分鐘為限,逾時等候每15分鐘@$50
*如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)


【Residential】 Please provide the detailed residential address to ensure a smooth delivery.

In case if the given address is incorrect, no one is present or the recipient refuses to collect the product, our company will carry out the following procedures in order:
① contact the recipient (if contact number is provided)
② contact the orderer for alternate arrangement, eg. leave it at the reception or at the door, photos will be sent as confirmation. 
③ if both the recipient and the orderer cannot be reached, and no one agrees to collect the product on behalf, the product will be sent back to our shop for pick up. 

*upon the arrival of our driver at the given address, the waiting time is limited to 15 min, the charge for waiting time beyond this is $50/ 15 min.
*if the delivery is unsuccessful and the orderer cannot be reached, the product will be sent back to our shop for further instructions. 
*If our driver has already left the delivery address, request to re-deliver will be charged at $150 up (depending on the district and rescheduled time, delivery for fresh flower products can only be postponed to 1 day after at maximum)

店鋪辨公室送貨 Shop Office Delivery



① 先電話聯繫收貨人(如有提供)
② 聯繫請示訂貨人,如安排管理處代收或置放門外,拍照確認
③ 如一律聯繫不成功,亦未有人代收處理,產品將送回公司待領

*司機到達指定地方,等候時間以 15 分鐘為限,逾時等候每15分鐘@$50
*如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)


Please provide the detailed office address and the company name (if available) to ensure a smooth delivery to the recipient or the reception.

In case if the given address is incorrect, no one is present or the recipient refuses to collect the product, our company will carry out the following procedures in order:
① contact the recipient (if contact number is provided)
② contact the orderer for alternate arrangement, eg. leave it at the reception or at the door, photos will be sent as confirmation. 
③ if both the recipient and the orderer cannot be reached, and no one agrees to collect the product on behalf, the product will be sent back to our shop for pick up. 

*upon the arrival of our driver at the given address, the waiting time is limited to 15 min, the charge for waiting time beyond this is $50/ 15 min.
*if the delivery is unsuccessful and the orderer cannot be reached, the product will be sent back to our shop for further instructions. 
*If our driver has already left the delivery address, request to re-deliver will be charged at $150 up (depending on the district and rescheduled time, delivery for fresh flower products can only be postponed to 1 day after at maximum)

迪士尼樂園送貨 Disneyland Delivery


《迪士尼酒店區 Disneyland Resorts - HK$150》

  • 迪士尼樂園酒店 Disneyland Hotel     
  • 好萊塢酒店 Hollywood Hotel     
  • 探索家度假酒店 Explorers Lodge    



《迪士尼樂園區【賓客服務中心】Disneyland Guest Relations Building - HK$300》

①《樂園正門賓客服務中心 Guest Relations Building, Main Entrance》
②《市鎮會堂賓客服務中心 Guest Relations at City Hall》

  • 客戶需預先聯繫 迪士尼樂園 (+852 3550-3388) 通知 留名收花安排。
  • 本公司將代為步行直送至 ①《 樂園正門賓客服務中心 Guest Relations Building, Main Entrance》 以閣下留名代收暫存。
  • 送抵後會由本公司通知客戶
  • 客戶可按計劃自行到 ① 或 ②《市鎮會堂賓客服務中心 Guest Relations at City Hall》領取。

* 樂園最早開放時間為 1030AM (如有更改以迪士尼樂園公佈為準,可參閱迪士尼官網開放時間

營地送貨 Camp Site Delivery




① 先電話聯繫收貨人(如有提供)
② 聯繫請示訂貨人,如安排管理處代收或置放門外,拍照確認
③ 如一律聯繫不成功,亦未有人代收處理,產品將送回公司待領

*司機到達指定地方,等候時間以 15 分鐘為限,逾時等候每15分鐘@$50
*如需重新送遞,費用 HK$150起(視乎地區及時間而定|鮮花產品最多只限延期一天重新派送)


Please provide the detailed address and name of the campsite. Please also notify the person in charge of the campsite to collect the product for you and provide their contact number to us. 
* If the person in charge is not available for whole period of the delivery time-slot, please select to deliver at specific time.

In case if the given address is incorrect, no one is present or the recipient refuses to collect the product, our company will carry out the following procedures in order:
① contact the recipient (if contact number is provided)
② contact the orderer for alternate arrangement, eg. leave it at the reception or at the door, photos will be sent as confirmation. 
③ if both the recipient and the orderer cannot be reached, and no one agrees to collect the product on behalf, the product will be sent back to our shop for pick up. 

*upon the arrival of our driver at the given address, the waiting time is limited to 15 min, the charge for waiting time beyond this is $50/ 15 min.
*if the delivery is unsuccessful and the orderer cannot be reached, the product will be sent back to our shop for further instructions. 
*If our driver has already left the delivery address, request to re-deliver will be charged at $150 up (depending on the district and rescheduled time, delivery for fresh flower products can only be postponed to 1 day after at maximum).

收貨時間會否影響質量 Delivery time would affect the quality of the flowers?


 All bouquets are ready the night before delivery and we load all the products to the our company van and start delivering in the morning. Therefore, it makes no difference what time to deliver and the delivery time does not affect the quality of the flowers.

惡劣天氣安排 Severe Weather Arrangement

惡劣天氣送貨安排 Severe Weather Delivery




  • 如因「黑雨」或「八號風球以上」的情況下,客戶需作即日臨時更改送貨地點,請於出貨當天 《9AM前》提出通報,即可作一次免費更改。非「黑雨」或「八號風球以上」之情況下修改,即日臨時更改送貨地點費用為 HK$150。

  • 如客戶於 《9AM後》臨時提出即日更改送貨地點,改送費用為 HK$150,非主要地區將另按地區計費,可參考【送貨地區】部份。

  • 《9AM後》司機一律按原定行車路線派送,【訂貨人】提供之地址如無法成功派送或代收轉達,司機將即時聯繫公司,公司再與【訂貨人】匯報情況,溝通後續安排。如於《15分鐘內》未能即時與【訂貨人】取得聯繫,司機將離開並前往下一送貨點,貨件退回本公司待領。如需重新派送費用為 $150,非主要地區將另按地區計費,可參考【送貨地區】部份。



  • 【鮮花產品】:當天9AM前通報,可免費延期一天;當天9AM後通報,延期一天費用為 HK$150。如需更改多於一天,將收取該鮮花產品 50% 花材費用。
  • 【非鮮花產品】:當天9AM前通報,可免費延期七天內重新派送;當天9AM後通報,延期費用為 HK$150。

更改送貨日期地點 Rearrangement of the delivery

鮮花產品:72小時前免費更改,72小時內以延遲一天為限。如需更改多於一天,將收取該鮮花產品 50% 花材費用)
非鮮花產品:少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

*如需更改送貨日期而未有確定日期,訂單可保留 3 個月內使用,逾期作廢。

少於 12 小時通知 - HK$150

少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里內 - 免費
少於 12 小時通知及更改地點距離原定地點 10  公里外 - HK$150

Rearrangement of the delivery DATE
Fresh flower product : No charge for ONE DAY postpone with notification made at least 72 hrs in advance.      
If postpone for more than ONE DAY, 50% of the product price will be charged.
Non-fresh flower products : For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

*If the price of the product on the rescheduled date is lower than the original purchase price, the difference will not be refunded; if the price is higher, customer will need to make up the difference.

*If customer needs to change the delivery date but cannot confirm the new date at the moment, the order can be held for 3 months after which the order will be abandoned and no refund will be made.

Rearrangement of the delivery TIME
For notification made less than 12 hours, a fee of $150 will be charged.

Rearrangement of the delivery PLACE
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is not more than 10km from the original location : Free
For notification made less than 12 hours and new location is more than 10km from the original location: a fee of HK$150 will be charged.

關於產品 About Products

即場直接選購花束 Can take a look fresh bouquet at shop?

為確保新鮮,所有鮮花製品是根據客戶訂購出貨日期,而進行準備及扎作,故本公司不會預製任何【現成鮮花束成品或樣辦】供即場揀選或訂購。如有緊急即日製作可與本公司聯繫溝通。本公司於 FB 或 IG 發放有過萬張【送抵客戶時拍攝之真實相片】,以供查閱。
All fresh flower products are to be made with customer's purchase and the finished products will be ready according to the delivery date. Therefore, our store does not have any ready-made flower bouquets or samples for on-site selection. Alternatively, customers can refer to our FB or IG for a large amount of real product photos which are taken upon deliveries to our customers.

價格調整與折扣 Price adjustment and discount


時段折扣優惠 (出貨日計) Seasonal Discount (Delivery Date)
早鳥預訂優惠 Early Bird Offer

產品與相片差異 Differences of Product and photo


所有花藝產品必然為獨一無二人手製作,客戶如有是否與相片 「100%相同」或「一模一樣」等素求,請恕本店無能為力為閣下提供製作服務。


  1. 花材形態及開花度數恕不能100% 保證大小均一及完美無瑕,超完美主義者慎選。
  2. 手工製品均以相應之主花材組合構成,各類花材擺放位置或會與展示相片存有差異。
  3. 除列明之主花外,襯花花材如有短缺情況,將由本公司自行以其他花材配襯並不作另行通知。
  4. 部份花材會因批次或開放程度而產生色差或濃淡變化。
  5. 產品相片顏色會因手機、室內外色溫、燈光及光暗而存有白平衡差異。
  6. 世上並沒有天然藍玫瑰、鬱金香鮮花,所有藍玫瑰或鬱金香均為【人工吸染或噴染上色】,客戶選購必須認知了解,如未能理解者請勿選購。

All photos posted on our official website and social platforms are photos of the actual products.

All floral products are hand-made and unique. If customers expect that the bouquets  are "100% identical" or "exactly the same" as the photos, we apologize that we are unable to meet your expectation.

Please note the following when ordering floral products:

The sizes, shapes and blooming status of the flowers cannot be guaranteed to be uniform and flawless. Perfectionists please consider carefully before placing the order.

All floral products are hand-made and composed of the combinations of the corresponding kinds of flowers. The arrangement may however be different from the photos displayed.
Apart from the main flower, if there is a shortage of lining flowers, our company will decide to match with other lining flowers without prior notice.
Some flowers may have color differences or shade changes depending on the batch or the degree of blooming.
The color of product in the photos may vary due to shooting by mobile phone, indoor and outdoor color temperature, or light and dark environments.
For certain kinds of flowers, there may be some colour differences depending on the batch or the stage of blooming.
There are no natural blue roses or tulips in the world. All blue roses or tulips are “artificially dyed or spray-dyed”. Customers must understand and accept this when placing the order. Otherwise, please do not make the purchase.




鮮花鑑賞期 How long is the shelf life of the fresh flower?

鮮花產品保持健康取決於鮮花存放的環境條件。一般情況下,在通風良好的常溫下存放,鮮花可保持最佳狀態 2-3 天。溫差大、悶熱、缺水、陽光直射或空氣流通不暢等都會加速鮮切花的枯萎。另一方面,每天更換新鮮的水,避免高濕度,保持良好的通風,可以延長鮮切花的壽命。



Keeping fresh flower products healthy depends on the condition of the environment where the flowers are stored. In general, storing at room temperature with good air ventilation, flowers can be maintained at the best condition for 2-3 days. Great differences in temperature, stifling, warmth, lack of water, direct sunlight or poor circulation of air, etc. accelerate the withering of fresh cut flowers. On the other hand, daily replacement of fresh water, avoiding high humidity and keeping good ventilation can extend the life of fresh cut flowers.

*The floral products are hand-made, If there is any problem with the products, please notify us to handle within 24 hours after receipt.

花藝產品壽命 How long is the shelf life of the floral products?

  • 【鮮花束】 鮮花產品保持健康取決於鮮花存放的環境條件。一般情況下,在通風良好的常溫下存放,鮮花可保持最佳狀態 2-3 天。溫差大、悶熱、缺水、陽光直射或空氣流通不暢等都會加速鮮切花的枯萎。另一方面,每天更換新鮮的水,避免高濕度,保持良好的通風,可以延長鮮切花的壽命。

  • 【保鮮花】在正常室內條件下,不暴露於潮濕環境下,保鮮花可保存1-2年。如果儲存得當,產品可以在乾燥條件下保存更長的時間。

  • 【玫瑰熊】由PU(海綿狀)/絲花製成,可長期保存。



  • [Fresh Flower Bouquets] Keeping fresh flower products healthy depends on the condition of the environment where the flowers are stored. In general, storing at room temperature with good air ventilation, flowers can be maintained at the best condition for 2-3 days. Great differences in temperature, stifling, warmth, lack of water, direct sunlight or poor circulation of air, etc. accelerate the withering of fresh cut flowers. On the other hand, daily replacement of fresh water, avoiding high humidity and keeping good ventilation can extend the life of fresh cut flowers.

  • 【Preserved Flowers】Under normal indoor conditions without exposure to moisture, preserved flowers can be kept for 1-2 years. If stored properly, the products can be kept for a longer period of time under dry conditions.

  • 【Rose Bear】 is made of PU (sponge-like) / silk flowers and can be kept for a long time.

*The floral products are hand-made, If there is any problem with the products, please notify us to handle within 24 hours after receipt.

鮮花維護 Flower Maintenance

產品款式修改 Product style can be modify?


我們所選用花材、花紙,以至絲帶都經過精心配襯,均以【Color Matching|色調平衡】作為原則,儘力使產品整體顏色配搭和諧協調,所以並不建議客戶隨意修改組合。


① 切忌胡亂配搭,為改而改,適得其反,首要確定提出之修改會比原來的更好。
② 如有客戶要求提供【絲帶色板|花紙色板】供其選配,本店並不提供此類服務,敬希原諒。
③ 任何由客戶強行改動而破壞產品的色調平衡,本店亦只能婉拒。


要求來圖訂製花束 Can be Custom Made?



【我們的風格主張:色調融和 (Color Matching) ,簡約和諧,包裝企理扎實而不累贅的時尚路線】





收貨時間會否影響質量 Delivery time would affect the quality of the flowers?


 All bouquets are ready the night before delivery and we load all the products to the our company van and start delivering in the morning. Therefore, it makes no difference what time to deliver and the delivery time does not affect the quality of the flowers.



木牌雕刻 Wooden Board Engraving

木牌雕刻會按產品配製相應木牌,花束類為 8x8cm,保鮮花類為 5x5cm。雕刻費用一律為 HK$50。


【模版設計】我們提供了自家設計模版愈 400 款供客人自由選擇,只需揀選相應模版號碼,提供人名、日期或所需文字。訂單確認後,本公司會按上述提供資料出圖,並透過 Whatsapp 發送確認。《木牌圖庫瀏覽 》



  • 平面木牌雕刻,只有【單色】,以【黑白線條】組成。
  • 任何【彩圖】、【相片】、【Emijo 】並不適合使用。
  • 文字多寡會影響字體大小,字體過小並不利於雕刻,以主題文字為重。
  • 客戶自來圖案,請提供【黑白線條圖】
  • 本公司可代尋找適合雕刻用之線圖,並不設代繪畫服務。










心意卡 Message Card


客戶可於下單時或於 Whatsapp 提供心意卡內容,客戶敬請核對心意卡文未內容。由於客戶訂單眾多,為免混亂,本公司收到訂單後會即時為閣下進行印刷及進行分單工作。

客戶如有修改及需重新印刷費用 $10



花束專用手提箱 Bouquet Carton Box








B22 花束專用手提箱




