About Us

BLOSSOM22° - A florist blossoms at 22°N latitude
Blossom22° was established in 2019, the idea of our brand name came from the location of Hong Kong which is at latitude 22°N in the world map, representing we are a flower shop based in Hong Kong.
Blossom22° 品牌成立於2019年,命名概念取自於香港位於地球上的緯度 22°,以此表示一所定位於香港的實體花店。
![]() 我們的設計理念 Design PhilosophyWe follow the principle of “Simple & Neat, multi-colour matching” in our creations. We believe good products should have a combination of the “Visual Balance” and the “Excellent Finishing of the Actual Products”. Therefore, the colour harmony and perception of touch when holding the real product are elements for our main focuses. The true value of a bouquet does not depend on how many flowers are being used, sometimes too many flowers can have adverse effect on the overall appearance. Hence, we prefer to simply get back to the basic and focus on the quality of flowers and packaging of the bouquets.
![]() 創新意念 Creative ConceptsApart from the bouquets themselves, we also put great effort in developing a series of bundled services, for instances, our original “Engraved Wooden Board”. Not limiting to our a few hundreds in-house designs, images can also be custom-made according to customers’s thoughts. Although imitations of our wooden board idea are subsequently appeared in the market, the quality can never be compared to ours. We design the layout for free as profit margins are not of our concern in this part, we only hope that our customers can physically keep the wooden boards as part of their memorable moments.
In addition, our original “Video Message Card” is another key optional product. Through the lively videos, customers can convey their messages as a surprise to their loved ones at another level, upholding our motto of “WE ARE HERE TO BLOSSOM YOUR DAY”. 除卻我們儘善儘美的花藝本體,我們亦大力地發展一系列的配套服務,如由我們獨創的【圖像木牌雕刻】,自家開發設計的數百款樣式以外,更能為客戶免費提供一對一客製化圖案款式,坊間雖爭相仿效,但效果水平卻是無法比擬。我們免費提供平面設計服務,主要目的不為利潤而來,而是希望客人能留有更深的紀念價值。
除此以外,【影像心意卡】亦是我們自主開發的重點產品之一,透過影像,更深層次地為客人傳遞另一份驚喜,秉承我們 WE ARE HERE TO BLOSSOM YOUR DAY 的宗旨。
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