33枝 香檳玫瑰求婚花束|33 Champagne Roses Bouquet (Peach Avalanche)

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33 枝香檳玫瑰花束|33 Champagne Rose Bouquet

一般來說,我們送花給女友或妻子時,大多選擇紅玫瑰、粉紅玫瑰、紫玫瑰,很少選擇香檳玫瑰,甚至誤認爲香檳玫瑰是黃玫瑰。事實上,香檳玫瑰(Peach Avalanche)色調非常溫柔中性,送予男士或女士都都合適,亦適合任何場合使用。



Special Design flower bouquet, it includes 52 Champagne Roses. Wrap with Black waterproof paper, and the shape like a racket. Simple but elegance. 

Light peach blooms with a hint of cream, the Peach Avalanche Rose is a most versatile rose suitable for any occasion. Like its counterparts in the Avalanche family, it is large-headed and beloved for its longevity.

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