
「保護外瓣」亦稱為「花殼」,是花朵成長時最早形成的外層。保護瓣本身具有保水及為花蕊提供養份作用。 玫瑰外瓣因厚硬呈青黃色及皺褶狀,常被誤解為不新鮮、乾枯發黃。部份花店為免客人誤會而直接剔除,本店會因應情況以作處理,客戶亦可對玫瑰基本結構多一點認知,以避免不必要擔憂或誤解。
Have you ever noticed the outer petals of a flower that seem slightly different from the rest? These are known as guard petals, and they serve an important purpose in protecting the delicate inner petals of the flower.
The "Guard Petals", also known as the "flower shell", is the earliest outer layer formed when the flower grows. The Guard Petals retain water and provide nutrients to the stamens. The outer petals of roses are thick, hard, bluish-yellow and wrinkled, and are often misunderstood as not fresh, dry, withered and yellow. Some florists directly eliminate them to avoid misunderstandings by customers. Our shop will arrange it according to the situation. Customers can also know more about the basic structure of roses to avoid unnecessary worries or misunderstandings.