時尚中顯高貴,就要恰到好處,屏除過多不必要,而引起雜亂之物。過多有時候會顯得畫蛇添足,變成 「Too Much」 而適得其反。
① 工整排列
② 簡約俐落包裝
● 花束與擺設花最大分別,就是花束上手度非常高,故此我們非常重視手感。曾選用我們產品的客戶,自能體會線條俐落,上手扎實的質感。
Frequently Asked Questions
花束作為傳遞愛意的媒介,亦是現代求婚必備信物之一。 108 枝數是最為傳統的求婚花數。然而在華人社會,99枝取其「長久」之意,也就更貼合東方華人所需,因此才成了更具代表性的主流。所以無論99或108枝均適合作求婚之用。
其實只要有誠意,52 或 99 枝都問題不大,52枝亦代表 520 中的「我愛妳」。但假果你正為花束大小問題而在思索當中,我們可以給你一個思路。
「假如一位女士一生中要收一次 99 花束,那應該是那個時刻更為合適?」生日?週年?若非求婚,更待何時?
99 枝以上均屬大型花束,建議客戶不少於一星期前預訂準備。本店有充裕時間為客人開養花朵,確保在最合適時間處理花材。
Arabica Beans have a wide range in taste and smell. They are a more delicate bean produced in the tropical regions at a high elevation. They are more expensive due to the hands-on production process. Robusta Beans have a neutral to harsh taste and an oatmeal-like texture. They grow in low elevations, are heartier for rough handling, and yield higher pounds per acre.
Frequently Asked Questions
求婚地點安排 Propose Location Arrangement
Our centrally located Indiana roastery means orders arrive as quickly as possible, whether heading to the East Coast, West Coast, or somewhere in between. We offer UPS shipping options for Ground, 2-Day or Next Day. Your coffee products will be shipped after it is roasted and packaged (not necessarily the same day you order).
Customers must contact our store within 14 days of the original order date if an order arrives damaged or includes the wrong product(s). We will credit your account with a refund after our warehouse receives your non-perishable drinkware or wearables. If an error was made, if you are not happy with the coffee, or if you received a damaged product, please get in touch with us so we can make it right.
Coffee is a perishable product, so we DO NOT accept any coffee returns (unless a Coffee Expert specifically requests a return in writing). However, if an error was made, you are not happy with the coffee, or you received a damaged product, please contact us so we can make it right. All shipping charges are non-refundable, and the Refund Policy does not extend beyond the 14-day window.
If you just placed your order, have confirmed that the coffee has not shipped, please contact us immediately, and we should be able to refund your order and issue a new one. If your coffee has already shipped or was delivered and either an error was made or you are not happy with the coffee, please call us or submit a request, so we can understand how to make it right.
Our Customers’ Feedback
Valentine Gibbs
I tried your coffee this past summer when my husband and I started going to the Wrightstown Farmers market. I haven't missed a week since for your delicious coffee. I used to buy the very popular coffee and found that yours was better tasting, better kept and made the perfect cup every time!! I even got my other family members hooked on it as well!! Thank you for the best cup of coffee!
Valentine Gibbs
I tried your coffee this past summer when my husband and I started going to the Wrightstown Farmers market. I haven't missed a week since for your delicious coffee. I used to buy the very popular coffee and found that yours was better tasting, better kept and made the perfect cup every time!! I even got my other family members hooked on it as well!! Thank you for the best cup of coffee!
Valentine Gibbs
I tried your coffee this past summer when my husband and I started going to the Wrightstown Farmers market. I haven't missed a week since for your delicious coffee. I used to buy the very popular coffee and found that yours was better tasting, better kept and made the perfect cup every time!! I even got my other family members hooked on it as well!! Thank you for the best cup of coffee!
Valentine Gibbs
I tried your coffee this past summer when my husband and I started going to the Wrightstown Farmers market. I haven't missed a week since for your delicious coffee. I used to buy the very popular coffee and found that yours was better tasting, better kept and made the perfect cup every time!! I even got my other family members hooked on it as well!! Thank you for the best cup of coffee!
Lisa Stone
You have not tried fresh coffee until you've tried this one. We saw this coffee roasted meticulously and shipped as soon as it came out of the roaster. Just try one bag and you will be hooked. We are true coffee "snobs" and this is the only coffee that suits our tastes. Try it in a french press for an unbelievable fresh coffee experience! Thank you so much! A Perfect cup every time!
Cliff Lindsey
My wife stumbled across The Coffee Scoop at a tasting demo held at Frey's Better Foods in Hellertown, PA. She bought a bag of coffee, and we've been hooked ever since. Not only are these the best coffees we've ever tasted, they're also organic and fair trade. We've since moved to Colorado, so now we order online. The shipments always arrive sooner than we expect. 110% happy customers.
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