99 桃紅玫瑰求婚花束|99 Hot Pink Fresh Bouquet(情人節花束)

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Hot Pink 有很多的叫法,亮粉色、桃紅色或玫紅色,香港更為地道的是來自鄭秀文歌曲的「螢光粉紅」,桃紅對比傳統紅色玫瑰更為鮮豔亮麗。製作成99花束更是不可多得的特別選擇。
Pink Floyd Hot Pink 玫瑰屬大頭型玫瑰。擁有美麗絨面的特質,精緻的外觀和完美的花瓣。
The Pink Floyd rose, this rose will bloom into a gorgeous big rose that simply rocks!This beautiful Hot Pink color rose has a large head size and a long vase life. This is a perfect wedding rose because of its delicate look and perfect petals.

Occasion : Birthday, Anniversary, Love, Wedding, Propose


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